New Story Line 2022
Ōhashi Hirofumi's Order of Moves
in the Nakade
Ōhashi Hirofumi 7p has kindly pointed out to us that it would be technically correct to fill an empty bulky-five eye shape with a squared shape, but not with a pyramid one. This advice may be helpful for your own games; in Igo Hatsuyōron 120 itself there is no effect. | |
Lets enter the analysis room ... | |
: (A 2040) ( 2022MainLine) Alternatively, this move could be played at , resulting in a change in the order of moves. Ōhashi Hirofumi's advice never to use for further filling a nakade of the bulky five type should be seen independent of the very special Main Semeai of Igo Hatsuyōron 120. would also do the job, but should be avoided as well, as it would provide White with a ko-threat (giving atari with e.g. ) unnecessarily. | |
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Seen in isolation, there is now nothing more that Black has to do at the moment. The points of and are miai, as are and . | |
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: ( 2040) | |
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: This implies that White's previous move can be utilised as a ko-threat - in principle. | |
2040) | |
Let's return to the dawn of time for a final conclusion ... | |
: Black is forced to take White's left-hand group a liberty anyway (even in the square shape at right), due to the Main Semeai with his large group in the upper right. | |