New Story Line 2022
Fujisawa Hideyuki's First Throw-in
The first throw-in of Fujisawa Hideyuki 9p in the hanezeki seems to be such a "natural" move that it did not deserve the slightest professional comment. We will analyse the specific peculiarities of this move, the most important of which is the reduction of White liberties in the temporary seki in the middle of the right side. White could well have won the game by one point on the basis of this classical knowledge alone, if only she remembered her already well-known oki after capturing the hanezeki's tail! Current analyses with KataGo led to the finding that White could have made a two-point gain by starting the endgame on the left side of the board "early". Choosing Harry's Hasami-Tsuke Sequence for the reduction of White's upper left corner in due time would not only increase Black's flexibility in the game, but also affect the overall result, as KataGo discovered. White's additional gain would be reduced to only one point. In conjunction with my Guzumi, the remaining disadvantage of not playing this first throw-in turns out to be the loss of one point in the Capture Variation. | |
Referenced by ( 2022MainLine) Let's go back to the dawn of time ... | |
( 2022MainLine) | |
: (A 2025) As a side effect, the sacrifice of this first throw-in stone will benefit Black by one point in the Capture Variation. We will analyse in the subvariation below what happens if Black mistakenly forgoes this throw-in and continues immediately with the move at . | |
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: : Please note the entire reduction of White's upper right corner will not affect the relation of liberties in the Main Semeai. : : Decades later, the world of amateurs will come up with Harry's Hasami-Tsuke of , instead. : Please note that Fujisawa Hideyuki's sequence for reducing White's upper right corner ends in gote for Black. Therefore, it cannot be played earlier in the game. | |
: : Please note that White will answer Black's atari at with in the Capture Variation (after White's hanezeki group has been taken off the board), while White has the benefitical kikashi of , in the Semeai Variation. | |
Liberties (in the marked area):
In total, Black has a surplus of eight liberties in the marked area. Please note that both sides will have to occupy the shared liberty in the temporary seki last. Consequences:
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Let's try to find out what KataGo thinks about this matter ... | |
: Please note that KataGo will have exchanged for in the temporary seki much earlier in the game, and not let it unplayed before White's decision point, as Fujisawa Hideyuki did in his classical solution. : ( 96 2025a) KataGo favours Harry's Hasami-Tsuke , of course. : | |
: We manually enforced Fujisawa Hideyuki's Atari . Starting the endgame on the left side of the board with Fujisawa Hideyuki's Atari "late" after the dissolving of the hanezeki (as in the classical line of play) would be a mistake, losing one point overall. For further details, please refer to section "Jérôme Hubert's Correction of the Mutual Occupation of Opponent's Liberties" ( 2041c). : : | |
: : White's previous move was played outside the Main Semeai Area, so Black gained one tempo in the Main Semeai. | |
: : ( 114 2025b) KataGo favoured immediately capturing Black's single stone at the upper edge with , instead, which will benefit White by one point overall. | |
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: (A 2025c) White could also attach at in the upper left centre for reaching the same result overall. However, she would be worse in the Semeai Variation, as Black would not invest additional stones in the Main Semeai Area. However, the subvariation will allow us a simple comparison with the historical line of play, in which the endgame on the left was started only after the resolving of the hanezeki. : | |
: : It would make no sense for Black to start a ko-fight with an own move at , since White will not give him any opportunity to continue capturing with . : : : Had KataGo not played its kikashi, the results of the two Main Variations would have swapped places. : | |
Black must not play any reduction. | |
Capture Variation: Compared to Our Solution (2015 / 2017), ...
In total, Black lost seven points. Black + 5 => White + 2 | |
Semeai Variation: Compared to Our Solution (2015 / 2017), ...
In total, Black lost four points. Black + 3 => White + 1 | |
Let's go back again to the dawn of time ... | |
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: ( 2025) | |
: Please note that Black will not play the upper throw-in at later, as White's reply would cost his large group above a liberty. For an analysis of White's connection at , please refer to the history of our research ... Please also note that we limit ourselves here in this section to the classical line of play - with a later exception regarding the reduction of the upper right White corner for comparison purposes. | |
: : Please note that not reducing White's upper right corner would not increase Black's liberties in the Main Semeai. : : ( 92 2025) Decades later, the world of amateurs will come up with Harry's Hasami-Tsuke of , instead, which at least helps avert disaster. Provided this option is drawn much earlier in the game, which is possible because Harry's Hasami-Tsuke Sequence ends in sente for Black. : : | |
: : Please remember that White still has the kikashi of , at her disposal, to be utilised in the Semeai Variation. | |
Liberties (in the marked area):
In total, Black has a surplus of seven liberties in the marked area. Please note that both sides will have to occupy the shared liberty in the temporary seki last. Consequences: White will win the game by a very large margin. | |
Let's enter the world of amateurs and apply the knowledge gained there a few decades later ... | |
( 2025) For further details, please refer to section "Harry's Hasami-Tsuke Sequence" ( 2024) ( 2025) (G 2025) | |
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: : (A 2025d) Choosing the solid connection of , instead, will be mistaken here. | |
Liberties (in the marked area):
In total, Black has a surplus of eight liberties in the marked area. Consequences:
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Territory (in the Capture Variation): Compared to Fujisawa Hideyuki's solution, ...
In total, Black lost three points. White + 3 => White + 6 | |
Territory (in the Semeai Variation): Compared to Fujisawa Hideyuki's solution, ...
In total, Black gained three points. Black + 4 => Black + 7 | |
( 2025) | |
: ( 2025) | |
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Liberties (in the marked area):
In total, Black has a surplus of seven liberties in the marked area. Consequences:
White will win the game by a very large margin. | |
Liberties (contd.): Please note that connecting any of the hasami-tsuke stones will not make a difference.
In total, Black has a surplus of seven liberties in the marked area, the same as above. Consequences:
White will win the game by a very large margin. | |
Liberties (contd.): Please note that connecting any of the hasami-tsuke stones will not make a difference.
In total, Black has a surplus of seven liberties in the marked area, the same as above. Consequences:
White will win the game by a very large margin. | |
In the world of amateurs, Harry's Hasami-Tsuke Sequence usually appears in conjunction with my Guzumi ... | |
: ( 2025) : : : | |
: In reality, White would be forced to start the endgame at the left side of the board with Yamada Shinji's Tsuke "early", see the explanation further below. | |
: : Please remember that White has the kikashi of for in the Semeai Variation at her disposal. | |
Liberties (in the marked area):
In total, Black has a surplus of nine liberties in the marked area, one more than is needed to survive the Punishment Semeai. Consequences:
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Liberties (contd.): After the connection of his two hasami-tsuke stones, ...
In total, Black has a surplus of eight liberties in the marked area. Consequences:
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Capture Variation: Compared to Our Solution (2015 / 2017), ...
In total, Black lost two points. Black + 5 => Black + 3 Please note that – compared to Our Solution (2015 / 2017) – the final scores of both MainVariations are identical here. However, KataGo's later improvements provide White with an additional gain of seven points overall in the Capture Variation, which White would then win by four points. | |
Semeai Variation: Compared to Our Solution (2015 / 2017), ...
In total, gains and losses compensate for each other. Black + 3 => Black + 3 | |